We derive all the orthogonality relations in CG that you need to know. This is the foundation to build the final steps of CG.

Recall our definition of the search directions and residual vectors:

From these definitions, we can derive all the results below. Make sure you understand the reasoning behind each result.

Property 1.

This is because of the basic construction of iterative methods using the Krylov subspace.

Property 2. and

This is true because of the definition of the search directions above.

Property 3.

This is true because of the definition of the residual vectors and the Krylov subspace.

Property 4. If , then

This is true because of the definition of the Krylov subspace.

Note that these orthogonality relations are not a β€œnew thing.” It’s a direct consequence of the basic starting point of CG

and the Krylov subspace. We have seen previously that this implies that is to

Property 5.

See the previous section.

Property 6.

This is a consequence of the results listed above (Properties 3 and 5).

Property 7.

This is a consequence of Properties 2 and 5.

Property 8.

So and are conjugate.

This is a consequence of the conjugacy of the and , along with

Property 9. and are conjugate.

Proof. Since , we have Since