What if is not full column rank?

The problem is that the solution of the least-squares problem is non-unique.

  • We need to look for the solution with minimum norm.
  • This solution is unique.
  • It satisfies two conditions:
  1. : it solves the least-squares problem.
  2. , that is, the solution has a minimum 2-norm.

Here are the solution steps.

Let’s start with the thin SVD:

Shape of matrices:

  • Because is not full column rank, we have that the rank satisfies .
  • This is why matrix is thin. and both have columns. has rows and has rows. has size .

Let’s go back to the equation

This is equivalent to:


  • But does not uniquely define .
  • We need to add the condition that . This guarantees that has minimum 2-norm.
  • From :
  • Note that because is not full column rank, its null space is non-trivial.
  • As a result is a thin matrix and span() is non-trivial as well.
  • Let’s now search for the solution :
  • The solution is then

since .

  • That system has a unique solution in because all the singular values , , are non-zero.
  • The final solution is therefore

The computational cost to calculate the SVD is .

Least-squares problems, Singular value decomposition, Method of normal equation, Least-squares solution using QR