• We prove that the algorithm completes and that the Cholesky factorization exists.
  • This decomposition is also unique.

To prove existence, we use a proof by induction. Let’s start with . We have

This holds because is SPD. So we can write:

Now, let’s consider a matrix of size and let’s assume that the Cholesky factorization exists for SPD matrices of size .

Let’s perform one step of the factorization starting from . We will end up with a matrix of size and will be able to use the induction hypothesis.

The first step of Cholesky can be written in this equivalent form:

Note that the first column of is equal to:

We are using the first column of with a scaling. This is the first step in the Cholesky factorization.

We prove that is SPD.

  1. That matrix is symmetric.
  2. We now prove that for any

Check that for any row vector :

Use the equation above:


Recall that:

Using the results above:

Take any


because is SPD. But also:

So from the results above

for any . So is SPD.

By the induction hypothesis, has a Cholesky factorization since its size is :

We get for :


Matrix is lower triangular as expected. This concludes the proof.

To prove uniqueness, let’s assume that we have two such factorizations:

This implies that

where denotes the transpose of the inverse. The left-hand side is a lower-triangular matrix while the right-hand side is an upper-triangular matrix. Therefore both matrices are diagonal. If we match the diagonal terms on the left and right-hand sides we find that:

This implies that But both terms are positive, so they are equal. So

and the matrices are equal.

Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices, Cholesky factorization