Recall the key iterative step in splitting methods:

The exact solution to satisfies

since . Let’s define the error as:

From the equations above, we get:

This leads to the following theorem.


These iterative schemes converge for any initial guess and if and only if .

denotes the largest eigenvalue in magnitude for a matrix.


Denote by .

implies no convergence when eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue that is greater than 1.

Assume that

If is diagonalizable, then


When is not diagonalizable, the argument is a little more complex. Consider a non-singular matrix, then we can define the following vector norm:

We can define as the induced operator norm, and we can prove that

Consider now the Schur decomposition of :

We define the following diagonal scaling matrix :

for some . We find that

and 0 otherwise. Therefore:

We can choose sufficiently small such that

since the eigenvalues of are equal to . Define . We have proved that


since .

  • is required for convergence.
  • In practice though, numerical convergence may be slow.
  • These methods are often used in combination with other techniques (e.g., multigrid) as accelerators.
  • Their main advantage is that they can be very cheap to apply and therefore very fast.