Numerical analysis precept: consider some algorithm . Suppose the algorithm breaks down when (e.g., division by 0). Then the numerical error is typically large when .

Consider this case:

LU breaks down immediately because .

What happens when we have a small pivot? Consider now:

  • Floating point numbers on a computer can only be represented by a finite number of digits.
  • Consider .
  • When , .
  • For sufficiently small, on a computer.
  • Because of numerical roundoff errors, on a computer, we get

for sufficiently small. is no longer equal to !

If we solve the linear system using numerical approximations to and , we will get the wrong result.

A computer program cannot store all the digits of . If , appears around digit 20. If you store only 16 digits of , there is no room to store .

Consequence: !

Solving linear systems using LU, Triangular factorization, LU algorithm, Existence of LU