We wish to write in the form where is lower triangular and is upper triangular.

Algebraic form:

Let’s write the product in outer form:

  • Column and row notations:
    • : column
    • : row

The factors can be computed iteratively based on the sparsity pattern of the factors and the sum decomposition.

  • Let’s start with column 1 in .
  • In , only contributes to column 1 of .
  • This is because entry 1 in row vector is 0 for .

Therefore, the equation for column 1 of is

  • : column 1 of
  • : column 1 of
  • : first entry in row vector

Looking at we get:

There are many possible solutions when solving for and . The simplest involves choosing or . We choose as a convention: .

The final equations for column 1 are:

  • , where we assume that .

This completely specifies the first column of and the first row of .

After computing and , we form:

We can apply the same idea to column 2 with . We get the 2nd column of , , and 2nd row of , . We then form:

Following an iterative process with , …, , we can compute all the columns of and rows of .

The computational cost of computing the LU factorization .

Solving linear systems using LU, Solving triangular systems