Let’s first perform a QR factorization step using Givens transformations.

Let’s do this step-by-step.

Step 1: We first perform a series of small Givens transformations applied to the left.

Step 2: Then these Givens transformations are applied to the right.

We obtain again a matrix in upper Hessenberg form.

  • Cost of QR:
  • Cost of RQ:
  • Total cost of one QR iteration:

This is much less than the for the original QR iteration.

QR iteration with upper Hessenberg matrix

  • The QR iteration algorithm conserves the upper Hessenberg form.
  • The time cost per iteration in upper Hessenberg form is .
  • The total time cost is .


function givens_QR_iteration_s!(H)
    n = size(H,1)
    G = zeros(2,n-1)
    for k=1:n-1
        c, s = givens(H[k,k], H[k+1,k])
        G[:,k] = [c; s]
        # Multiply by Givens rotation to the left
        apply_left_givens!(H, k, c, s)
    for k=1:n-1
        # Multiply by Givens rotation to the right
        apply_right_givens!(H, k, G[1,k], G[2,k])

Summary of one step of the QR iteration with the upper Hessenberg form