- Krylov methods for sparse systems
- This provides a basic introduction to all the methods covered in this chapter.
- As alluded to previously, we search for the solution in the Krylov subspace that satisfies some appropriate optimality condition.
- The optimality condition depends on the properties of the matrix: symmetric positive definite, symmetric, and general matrix.
- Conjugate Gradients Version 1
- This is a short and basic derivation of the algorithm.
- This method produces the correct sequence of iterates xk.
- However, its space (memory) and time (number of flops) costs are not optimal.
- This will be refined in the sections below.
- Some orthogonality relations in CG
- We illustrate the first of several orthogonality relations satisfied by the CG vector sequences.
- The orthogonality relation is special. It is defined using a scaling by A1/2.
- In this section, we prove that the solution increments Δx(k) are A-conjugate to each other (i.e., orthogonal with A1/2 scaling).
- Convergence with conjugate steps
- Based on the derivation from the previous section, we can prove that CV converges in at most n steps, where n is the size of A.
- Residuals and solution increments in CG
- We now start deriving a series of results to help us turn the current version of CG into an efficient algorithm.
- We prove that the subspace spanned by the residuals is the same as the subspace spanned by the solution increments.
- CG search directions
- Using the previous section, we establish that the residuals can be written as linear combinations of the increments.
- We will see later on how the coefficients in the linear combination can be easily computed using orthogonality relations.
- All the orthogonality relations in CG
- We derive all the orthogonality relations in CG that you need to know.
- This is the foundation to build the final steps of CG in the sections below.
- Three-term recurrence
- Optimal step size
- Computationally efficient search directions
- Conjugate Gradients algorithm
- Based on all the previous equations, we describe each step in the CG algorithm.
- Conjugate Gradients code
- We give the Julia code for CG based on the algorithm we derived.
- Convergence of the Conjugate Gradients
- We give an estimate for the convergence of CG.
- In some sense, this convergence can be considered to be optimal.
- Rajat’s painless Conjugate Gradients
- Rajat’s own derivation of the CG algorithm.
- 2024 complete and painless Conjugate Gradient
- Another standalone derivation of the CG algorithm based on Rajat’s derivation.
- This derivation contains all the key results.
- This is the recommended reading for understanding CG.
- GMRES least-squares problem
- We derive the least-squares problem GMRES is solving.
- GMRES algorithm
- Convergence of GMRES
- The convergence of GMRES depends on the distribution of the eigenvalues. This is similar to CG.
- It also depends on the condition number of the eigenvector basis matrix X.
- Space and time costs of CG and GMRES
- We derive the space and time computational cost for CG and GMRES.
- As expected, GMRES has a larger computational cost. GMRES has an extra factor k in the cost compared to CG.
- This algorithm specializes GMRES for symmetric matrices.
- The space cost is reduced to O(n) and the time cost to O(k(nnz+n)).
- Preconditioning
- This technique is used to reduce the number of iterations in iterative methods.
- It works by changing the way eigenvalues are distributed.
- Preconditioners need to be computationally cheap to apply and should reduce the condition number of the linear system.
- Preconditioning the Conjugate Gradients algorithm
- We explain the basic idea behind preconditioning CG.
- Although we are working with CACT, because the Krylov subspace is based on using powers of the matrix, we can replace C and CT by the simpler M=CTC matrix.
- Then any preconditioner M that is SPD and such that MA≈I can be used to precondition CG.
- The only condition we require is that M should be computationally cheap to apply.
- Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients algorithm
- We describe how our previous idea can be simplified to reduce the computational cost.
- The matrices C and CT are replaced by M and disappear entirely from the algorithm.
- The final algorithm is very close to the original CG algorithm.
- Preconditioned Conjugate Gradients code
- We provide a short Julia code implementing the PCG algorithm.
- Flexible preconditioned conjugate gradient method
- This preconditioning technique is a variant of PCG that allows using a preconditioner like M(k) that varies at every step.
- This can be very useful in some circumstances.