• Key tool for proofs and formal derivations
  • Essential to describe and understand the properties of objects in LA
  • Used to convert a vector to a single scalar number, its β€œsize.”
  • The most common norm is the 2-norm:

Dot product and the 2-norm are connected through:

So the dot product can be used to measure the angle between two vectors.

If two vectors are orthogonal, their dot product is equal to 0.

A unit vector is a vector with norm 1: .

In data science and linear algebra, it’s common to use different norms. They differ by the weight they assign to the components of a vector.

  • 1-norm: all scales contribute equally
  • 2-norm: emphasizes the larger entries
  • Largest entry:
  • Intermediate; as , the norm becomes closer to the max-norm

Computational cost: .

Balls in different norms Vectors and matrices