Recall that we are minimizing the following norm

where is a polynomial of degree . To derive an error bound, we should search for a polynomial of degree such that and which minimizes .

Theorem. Suppose that has an eigenvalue decomposition . Then the GMRES error can be upper-bounded by

where is the condition number of .

The take-home key ideas to understand the convergence of GMRES are:

  1. Distribution of eigenvalues: are they distributed in a few compact clusters or uniformly distributed around 0? Are they accumulating near 0?
  2. Condition number of the eigenvector basis: is it small or large?

Failure case

A challenging scenario arises when the eigenvalues of a matrix are uniformly distributed on the unit circle, which is the circle with a radius of 1 centered at the origin.

Consider, for instance, if is a permutation matrix that represents a permutation , and our goal is to solve The solution in this case is the standard basis vector , where In this context, represents a coordinate subspace, spanned by Convergence is achieved only when is such that is within which occurs if and only if This might require to be as large as especially in cases where is a cyclic permutation like mod We also notice that, in this case, the solution remains orthogonal to the Krylov subspace until .