The GMRES algorithm becomes more efficient when is symmetric. This leads to the MINRES algorithm. The initial steps of MINRES are similar to those of GMRES.

In MINRES, we also aim to minimize . The primary distinction between GMRES and MINRES is analogous to the difference between the Arnoldi and Lanczos processes.

Recall that, following Lanczos, where is tri-diagonal.

We get

has size and is β€œsymmetric” tri-diagonal.

As before, the quantity we want to minimize becomes

As before, we use Givens rotations

Since is tri-diagonal, is upper triangular with only two upper diagonals.

As in GMRES, we then solve the least-squares problem using the s and .

Because of the tri-diagonal structure of and the structure of with only two upper diagonals, we can efficiently transition from step to in MINRES with a time cost per iteration of instead of .

This is the same cost as CG but for general symmetric matrices instead of SPD.

The efficient implementation of this algorithm is the MINRES algorithm of Paige and Saunders.

When is symmetric positive definite, we get an error bound similar to CG