How to solve ? One of the most important computational tasks in NLA.
Notations | Description |
Matrix | |
Size of the matrix | |
Top left block of | |
entry | |
column | |
row | |
det | determinant |
This section covers the use of the LU factorization to solve linear systems like .
This method is fast and nearly optimal in terms of floating point operations.
However, it suffers from stability and accuracy issues in some cases.
- This is the starting point for efficient solution of linear systems.
- Solving triangular systems is easy and computationally efficient.
Solving linear systems using LU
- How the LU factorization allows us to solve linear systems
Outer form of matrix-matrix product
- How can we get and starting from ?
- The starting point is the outer form of the product .
- Solving triangular systems allows us to solve general systems of equations, provided the matrix is factorized as using triangular factors.
- Computing and can be done iteratively column by column.
- This can be done using the outer form for the matrix-matrix product.
- This is the step-by-step algorithm.
- The determinant seems very complicated to calculate.
- But using LU, we can get the determinant very easily.
- Uses the fact that for triangular matrices.
- The LU factorization suffers from stability issues.
- This can lead to inaccurate solutions in some cases, or the algorithm may even break down.
- Under what condition does the LU factorization exist? What are the situations where the algorithm breaks down?
Stability of the LU factorization
- The existence result describes what happens when a pivot is 0.
- What about a very small pivot? What can we expect in that case?
- A consequence of storing numbers and executing algorithms on computers
Floating point arithmetic and unit roundoff error
- How to model and estimate roundoff errors
- This is important to estimate errors and provide bounds on the accuracy of calculations.
- Small errors are magnified by unstable algorithms and lead to wrong answers
Floating point arithmetic is different from regular arithmetic
- Understanding this difference is important to understand how large errors can creep into a calculation
- These are the main concepts for analyzing numerical errors in algorithms.
- This method can be used to prove that an algorithm is stable, that is, small perturbations in the input lead to small perturbations in the output.
- The opposite is an unstable algorithm in which errors cannot be controlled.
- This is the concept that connects the forward and backward error estimates.
Conditioning of a linear system
- Application of the concept of sensitivity and conditioning to the problem of solving a linear system.
Backward error analysis for LU
- Apply previous concepts to the LU factorization algorithm
- The current LU algorithm without pivoting is, in fact, backward unstable.
- This is consistent with our previous observation regarding the stability of the LU factorization.
- The simplest and most efficient method to make the LU factorization backward stable.
- This is the most common implementation of the LU factorization.
Symmetric Positive Definite Matrices
- Many algorithms (such as Cholesky) require that the matrix is SPD.
- These matrices satisfy very strong properties and as a result, very fast and accurate algorithms exist for these matrices.
- This is a very important class of matrices in NLA.
- The Cholesky factorization applies to any SPD matrix.
- This is a triangular factorization of the form where is lower triangular.
- This factorization is faster and requires less memory than LU.
Existence of the Cholesky factorization
- We prove that the Cholesky factorization exists and is unique.
- Pivoting is not required.
Stability of the Cholesky factorization
- The algorithm is always stable even without any pivoting.