• My research
    • NLA
    • Parallel and HPC computing, GPU computing
    • Machine learning, surrogate modeling, stochastic inversing, anomaly detection
    • Cybersecurity
  • Teaching team:
    • Rajat Dwaraknath
    • Ishani Karmarkar
    • Chartsiri Jirachotkulthorn
  • Style of class and what to expect
    • This class will require some proof-writing
    • What is numerical linear algebra?
      • Example: difference between the existence of eigenvalues and eigenvectors and how to compute them
    • A class on numerical methods covers:
      • Algorithms to solve a mathematical problem
      • Computational cost
      • Many algorithms are approximate; what is the error? how can it be controlled? how can it be estimated?
      • Roundoff errors and stability: how do small errors in the data and during the calculation affect the final result?
      • There will be some computer programming, but this is not the main focus
      • We won’t discuss applications in detail
      • The focus is on the algorithms, computational cost, and error analysis
  • Content of class
    • Solving linear systems: .
    • QR factorization and least-squares: .
    • Eigendecomposition using direct methods: .
    • Iterative methods and Krylov subspace; Conjugate Gradient, GMRES
  • Canvas
  • Survey
  • Ed Discussion forum
    • Rules of conduct on forum
    • Be civil, considerate, and courteous
    • Make sure not to post answers or partial answers to homework assignments
  • Anonymous form to report issues and concerns
  • Office hours posted on canvas
  • Recitation sessions
    • Main lectures on Wednesday and Friday; recitations on Monday
    • Basic LA review
    • Julia / Python quick overviews and getting started
  • Programming languages
    • Julia
    • Python
    • Matlab
  • Reading
    • Required book: Darve and Wootters, Numerical Linear Algebra with Julia
    • Optional books:
      • Matrix Computations by Gene H. Golub and Charles F. Van Loan
      • Numerical Linear Algebra by Lloyd N. Trefethen and David Bau III
      • Applied numerical linear algebra by James W. Demmel
      • Direct methods for sparse linear systems by Timothy A. Davis
  • See searchworks.stanford.edu
  • Grading; grades are curved to reach a typical distribution of As, Bs, and Cs.
    • Homework 35%
    • Midterm exam 1 15%
    • Midterm exam 2 20%
    • Final exam 30%
  • Gradescope; the website will manage the regrade requests.
  • Late policy
    • 72 hours; 10% penalty
    • Excused late submissions: requests must be submitted 24 hours before the deadline.
  • Access and accommodations
    • Office of Accessible Education (OAE)
    • Share your letter with us
  • Honor Code and Office of Community Standards
    • Do not share answers with other students
    • Do not let other students copy your answers
    • Do not copy answers from previous years
    • Do not copy answers from TAs or teaching staff
    • Do not copy answers on the internet
    • Do not post/share answers on the internet
    • Answers must be your own